RUBRICORE – How to choose credible online loans? Along with the people’s need in borrowing money easily, the illegal online money lenders are getting more and more too. Illegal online loans refer to those who have not been registered to the official financial services authority. It means that they are not monitored by the institution run by the government.

Meanwhile, when you need money, you probably are not aware of the online loan you choose. So, before starting to make a loan, make sure to follow some tips below.

Officially Registered to the Financial Services Authority

First of all, make sure to check the online loan whether has been registered to the financial institution in your country or not. How is it? It is simple. You can go to its official website or app.

Then, check the further description about its registration and certification. Well, a legal online loan must include the certification or acceptance on its website or app to build up the clients’ trust.

Easy Process

An online loan should provide an easy process. Besides, it should also give a tutorial first on how to get the loan. You can try the steps to make a loan first before doing it for real.

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A trusted online loan also commonly has administrators to chat or to call. Sure, if there is something you don’t understand, you can ask first. The requirements must also not be complicated. You only need to prepare identity cards and loan credits to fasten the process.

Transparent Cost and Interest

A credible online loan must give details of the payment including the cost and interest transparently. Even on the website, a feature to simulate the payment is provided.

So, you can just submit the nominal of money to borrow along with how many times it is paid. Then, the monthly installment appears. You can just pay following it and the process has been done. p be paid without any agreement before.

Read the Requirements Carefully

Everything you want to apply for a loan, you must read the requirements carefully. Yes, there is a possibility that the lender violates the rule and causes some understandings but you are the accused one.

If there is a requirement you don’t understand, ask the administrator or customer service. If you agree with all the terms and conditions, it is okay to make loans in online loans.

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